Sept. 19th, 2003
No More?

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Gilroy, Ca.: This bit of news came across my desk via a good friend and my fellow staff journalist Partner Ray, from “Wino Joe’s RoadHouse Biker E-Magazine at 6:17 p.m., Sept. 19th. Ray has an Inside Indian employee scoop about the problems and fall of Indian Motorcycle Co.

So, is it really true about another American Motorcycle Company biting the dust?
For sure I thought Indian would be around for years to come. Though I was hearing about maintenance warranty service and parts problems in most of the shops in California, the future still seemed to be looking great for Indian MC.

There was even talk of Indian going to it’s own motor, getting away from S&S. And also talk of building a 4-Cycinder that once pounded the roads of the 40’s.
It’s like the old West as they said long ago, the Indian went the way of the Buffalo.
Lets hope there is a solution to all this and Indian will find a way to come back into the market.

Below our two letters I received on the 19th, and the 22nd from Ray of RoadHouse Biker E- Magazine, Staff Journalist form Monterey, Ca.

1st letter:
The Head Thunder: (rhgang) Staff: INDIAN NO MORE!
9/19/2003 6:17 p.m.
Word from the employees is that at 2:15 this afternoon the president of Indian Motorcycles called all
The troops outside and reported that the financing they have been looking forward to is not coming. The company is at this time “DONE”, and sent everyone home.

2nd letter:

as you guessed, I know one of the factory test pilots up there (some job eh?). Here's what's in the pipe...

Some small town just southwest of Bumfuck, Alabama, yep that's right ALABAMA! Offered the company a vacant building there and is going to pay the company's freight to get all the manufacturing equipment to the site. This is all in the hope that they have enough people with above a second grade education that might qualify to build motorcycles. I don't know if lawn mower experience will count or not. Evidently with the present federal administrations fiscal policy the people there find them selves all hopelessly unemployed at present. So the little town of Bumfuck is gonna get it's own Motorcycle Co and 400 new jobs. IF Indian survives it's present state of financial difficulty.

So here's what happened as I see it...


1) Indian wants there own proprietary motor, the new 100 incher that they just built, for the new bikes. R&D costs probably throught the roof on that alone. Tooling, another roof. Testing, another roof. Bugs, another roof. Roof roof roof sounds like the dog next door.

2) Bush Administration rapes the economy! Markets drop financiers suffering the shrinkage factor tuck there heads back in their repective flies rather than spewin all over the spread sheets like they intended, to wait out the crisis. Money on speculation and promises doesn't materialize. Hell it ain't like we're buyin Honda stock they sez!

3) Retail buyers for the bike are naturally skittish of the first year of a brand new motor and are hesitant to purchase. I mean hell I don't think there's an Indian 100 incher yet that's hit 100,000 miles right? AND check out reason number 2 again, nobody's got any dough except Bush and his cronies, none of whom strike me as motor people.

So the company seemed to being doin OK with the democratic economy but with the RE PUBICANS in office, things don't look to good for anybody. Now since all this fed money has dried up, and California is loosing Medicare funds, the state says any company in CA with more than 20 employees will have to pay 70% of all the employees health and welfare benefits. Industry will be heading for the Mexi. border in droves! So strike FOUR!

That's my story and I'm stickin to it,

Yer Pal,




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