2800 Pinos Altos Rd., Hwy. 15
Silver City, New Mexico
(Owners Mark & Lillian Grady)
Silver City, New
Mexico: Never being inside the Flame Convention Center and the Yesterdays
Lounge in Silver City. One would assume this City of about 11,000 would
have a nice Convention Center of about 5,000 to 8,000 sq. ft., to handle
its population and demand for a some what normal type Building.
When first coming up and around a curve on Pinos Altos Rd. nothing seemed
out of the ordinary other than a light tannest creamed colored metal build.
That all changed when I pushed my way through the heavily built doors
to enter the Yesterdays Lounge inside the Flame Convention Center. Off
in the far, far distances at the end of the cocktail lounge sat Mark and
Lillian Grady, like the prod owners of a big old puppy dog of a 16,000
sq. ft. building, with a holding capacity for 900 party animals. A Convention
Center and Lounge that any size City with a population of 30 to 50,000
would be giving high five’s to have in their City. As I made my
way to Mark and Lillian I noticed a 1999 Corvette hanging from the ceiling
of the Yesterday Lounge.
Mark took me on the grand tour of their four year old baby, saying this
is their life and both of them built it from the ground up with a lot
of love and hard labor. They opened the doors for business on April 29th
of 1999. We wanted to build a real Convention Center that would not only
serve the community of Silver City, but the surrounding areas of
the lower state of New Mexico. On my tour with Mark he showed me the Flame’s
uniqueness, having 3 bars, 2 bandstands, a Disc Jockey booth, an upper
floor in the Yesterdays Lounge for a more private setting to enjoy your
drink. On top of all this the Flame can be divided off into 3 sections
with 7 stations to serve your favorite beverage, and can have three functions
going on all at one time.
The Flame is available for almost any kind of affair, from Weddings, Car
and Motorcycle shows, Fund Rising benefits, Business and privet party’s,
to Private Club affairs or having your own Biker Rally. Mark and Lillian
said there is an option on catering service to whom every rents any of
the Convention sections.
Owning Harley’s and being biker’s themselves makes the Yesterdays
Lounge one of the best people and biker bars in Silver City. Believe
me this is the Granddaddy of them all.
The Vet, yes it will run and the Flame was built around it, now that’s
The Yesterdays Lounge is opened 7 days a week, Noon to 2 a.m. Monday through
Saturday and from Noon to 12 a.m. on Sunday.
Call Mark for Convention info at: (505) 388-2427.
forward to seeing you there